Pest Deterrents: Deterrent Tapes
Pest Deterrents
18419 - red scare
18412 - scare tape
18413 - humming tape

Deterrent Tapes

CATEGORY: Pest Deterrents Array
• Safe and humane pest deterrent
• Effective for day time use and in the breeze
• Ideal for vegetable gardens and fruit trees

Easy to Install deterrents

Whites offers effective, easy to install, cost-effective and humane tape products to keep birds off vegie gardens, fruit trees, crops and lawns:

Whites Scare Tape reflects sunlight in the breeze, while also producing a crackling sound that deters birds. Available in Holographic and Red & Silver.

  • Installation: For vegie gardens string over crops or tie strips to stakes, keeping spacing to a maximum of 3 metres. To deter birds from fruit trees, tie long strips onto outlying branches. Also ideal for grapevines.

Whites Humming Tape vibrates in the breeze emitting a humming which drives birds away. The sound changes depending on the wind, so birds do not become accustomed to the noise.

  • Installation: Set stakes in your vegie garden 3-6 metres apart. String tape taut between stakes. For best results vary line heights and angles. 



Product DescriptionSizeMOQBarcode
18412Scare Tape - Holographic19mm x 30m109312261184124
18419Scare Tape - Red & Silver25mm x 15m109312261184193
18413Humming Tape - Green5mm x 30m109312261184131




Not all products available in all areas of Australia.

Handy Hints

Get control of unwanted soil, dust and debris on your worksite. Sediment control is a must for most councils. 

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